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Proclamation Index

The Christian's Role in Politics

Writer's picture: Tyler RutherfordTyler Rutherford

When conversing with believers and non-believers alike, there is one thing that is certain to spark debate or even straight-out argumentation. That is most any discussion surrounding politics. In the United States, we find ourselves amid a tumultuous march toward a presidential election this fall which seems to have been marked by the lack of decency in speech on both ends of the political spectrum. Many Americans are quick to defend their chosen party and are more than willing to exercise a scorched earth approach when interacting with anyone who holds a political view that stands in opposition to their own. This brings about a significant question. As followers of Christ, what should our attitude toward and interaction with politics look like?

            It has often been said that religion and faith do not mix, and that politics should be avoided in the pulpits of our churches. But is that really true? Should the Christian remain silent in political conversations? I believe the answer to that question is a resounding “NO.” In fact, the Christian has a clear responsibility to interact with the political world, especially in areas where politics stand in direct opposition to the Christian worldview. Regarding the Christian’s role in politics, there are two truths that one should examine when determining the extent of their involvement.

            The first is that the sovereign will of God governs every aspect of life. It is God’s will and plan that holds primacy over everything and everyone (Matthew 6:33). It is God who “sets up kings and deposes them” (Daniel 2:21). As is written in the book of Daniel, “…the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes…” (Daniel 4:17) When one clearly understands this truth, it helps frame discussions revolving around politics. When looking at these scriptures and others, it is clear that God uses politics to accomplish His will. No one rises or falls politically without the involvement of God. While there may be those who abuse their power and intend it for evil, Just as Romans 8:28 records, God “works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to his purpose.”

            The second truth we must grapple with is the fact that our eternal destiny does not rest in the hands of politicians. It rests in our relationship with God. Governments cannot save us. Only God can. We must understand that we have a responsibility to obey laws and be good citizens so long as those laws do not directly contradict the mandates of Scripture (Romans 13:1-2). We are called to live peaceably with all people (Hebrews 12:14). With this in mind, Christians should ultimately seek to elect and promote leaders who exhibit godly principles and align with the Christian worldview.

            However, the unique purpose of the church does not lie in political activism. There is no scriptural mandate to this end. Our mission is not to change the world through political reform but rather to change the hearts of people with the message of the Gospel. Our Christian mandate is to spread the message of the Gospel. It is only through the changing of people’s hearts that we will begin to see the culture around us to reflect that change. This is not accomplished through political activism but through the advancement of the Gospel message.

            Believers all through history and in present day have lived and even flourished under governmental structures that are repressive and pagan in nature. Merciless political regimes have sought to eradicate Christianity; however, the opposite has often been the case. In today’s world, the church grows at a rapid pace in places like China that are diametrically opposed to the thought of Christianity. This leads us to believe that the flourishing of Christianity is not based on a favorable political landscape. Ultimately, the Christian’s responsibility, then, is to pray for those in authority. This includes those leaders who support and oppress Christianity (Romans 13:1-8). Political entities are not the savior of the world. The salvation of all mankind has been revealed to be available only under one name. That is not the name of one’s chosen political party but rather the name of Jesus. God knew this world needed a savior long before any political party took shape. Salvation cannot come through any power attributed to man. It is not available through military force or economic strength. This salvation is only provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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